Monday 9 November 2015

Which is the oldest recorded town in Britain?

I have said previously that FA Cup draws are 'always' exciting. Well today was perhaps the drabbest draw of our FA Cup story so far.

As we settled in to watch Mark Chapman and co. draw out the remaining 40 teams in the FA Cup we were excited as to where we could go. Maybe an away trip to former FA Cup winners Portsmouth? Or an exciting tie versus Salford FC owned by the Class of '92.

But no... our next big adventure is Colchester vs. Altrincham.
'What's wrong with that?' you might ask.

Well firstly Colchester were drawn out at home. There is nothing wrong with Colchester but it doesn't immediately appeal when you head off on a road trip. A quick Google of Colchester revealed that it is Britain's oldest recorded town. Quite interesting. But that is about all that I can find that's interesting about Colchester. If anyone from Colchester passionately disagrees with me then we would welcome being shown around your beautiful town.

Although Altrincham are notable giant killers having beaten Barnsley in the First Round we are supposed to be supporting Colchester. This will go against all our in-grown British morals of support the underdog. What a dilemma. Although we call ourselves football fans I have to say that we know pretty much nothing about Altrincham - shocking, I know. So we call upon all Robins fan to help us out. Any famous players or interesting facts about Altrincham?

Our British morals will be something we will have to overcome when we make the 240 mile round trip to support the mighty U's!

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